Sunday, April 22, 2007

One Week Countdown!

Starting last weekend my days have been measured by their proximity to the Big Event. Now there's only one week left! I'm solidly into taper time. I ran "just" 12 miles yesterday (down from my recent long runs of 15-18 miles). It's really satisfying to be in a place where 12 miles is a comfortable distance. The two rest days that I took last week did seem to improve my energy level, so I'm going to plan a pretty easy week from here on out, with just three or four easy 4 mile runs. I will RESIST THE TEMPTATION TO DO MORE!!!

Yesterday I was reminded of how pleasant it is to run with others. Recently most of my runs including my long runs have been largely on my own. That has its charms, however time passing quickly is not one of them. But yesterday on my weekly run that starts in Carmel at 7:15 AM with the Wednesday Night Laundry Runners, I had the unexpected pleasure of running with Patie and Anita, and the positive stimulation of conversation with new people helped to keep me feeling motivated, strong and supported.

It's been fun and enlightening these past few days to talk with experienced Big Sur runners (either the 21-miler like I'm doing or the full Marathon). Here are some of the tidbits I've picked up:

  • Do people really abandon their sweats by the side of the road as it warms up? (Yes, so bring something old that you don't care about)
  • How do you psychologically deal with the long uphills? (Don't look up at the horizon - keep focused on the ground just in front of you)
  • How's the bus ride? (Long if you just had your coffee and your bus doesn't have a restroom, so plan on dashing right to the port-a-pottie line)
  • What should one eat in the days leading up to the race? (Everyone has their own take on this, but there seems to be general agreement that what you eat on Thursday and Friday is more important than what you eat on Saturday. Also, getting good sleep on Friday night is more crucial than on Saturday. And how much sleep can you get the night before the race anyway, with busses leaving around 4 AM, some earlier).

I feel sorry for anyone who expects me to talk (or even think!) about anything other than next weekend's activities. So please, if you know me, don't bother! My thoughts and intentions are filled with workout and rest plans, the excitement of the Expo vendors and speakers, the spaghetti pizza feed, the starting line, the sites along the route, the exhiliaration of the run itself, and the energizing effect of seeing friends at the finish. As one person put it to me, "You'll never be so happy to see Hugo standing there cheering you on!" I'm looking forward to that!


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