Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Who let the dogs out?

As I near the top of the first hill on one of my favoriite runs, I can often see Fido sitting on his porch watching me. Fido is a rather larger doberman. I don't want to use his real name for fear of reprisel, you see, he eyes me much as I do a pork chop coming off the grill. Still, he is a lovely sight, bounding off his porch, down into his large yard. I often find myself admiring his long, easy stride as he runs toward me, only to come to an abrupt halt at the deer fence (you can see through it, but you can't run through it, I hope). He then turns and runs alongside me for the remaining 100 yards or so of the yard. I try to visualize myself having that same graceful, powerful stride. I try not to think of him using that smooth gait to chase me down.

I really haven't had any problems with dogs since I was about 12, when one chased me as I was riding by on my bike. It nipped me in the heel as I remember it. Drew blood. There was an uncomfortable trip with my dad to the home of that dog, but thankfully, no rabies shots for me.

Since then, I've seen all sizes and shape dogs on my runs, from the little Scotties that greet me with chirpy barks, wagging tails and licks on the hand, to full-size poodles who've bounded up ready to play, only to bolt when they realize they don't recognize me (for several years I had that same effect on single women).

Today I passed a woman runner who was trailed by her dog. The dog had ducked into the woods before he saw me, and then came bounding out when I passed. As I always do, I called a greeting, "Hello there pal!" But didn't make eye contact or smile. And as often occurs I got a little shot of adrenalyn (the fear-induced kind) when he went flying past.

Heck, I love dogs, but I'm always a littlle cautious around them too. Out on the trails, I don't have a whole of protection (I'm certainly not going to out run any wild pack of animals). So for now, I put my trust in deer fences and dog owners.

7 miles on wounded knee trail (I tried visualizing Reggie Bush hurdling UCLA defenders as I high stepped over and around tree roots. I'm ready to accept my Heisman if you please).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sister-in-law has been chased by cows on her runs ...

December 07, 2005 6:53 PM  

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