I am Brad Pitt
You remember the movie "Troy." Brad Pitt, all buffed and strutting around, pouting, yet indestructable. And then in the final scenes he gets an arrow through the ol' achilles tendon and he's toast. Well, imagine a middle aged, balding, slightly overweight Brad Pitt. That would be me and I'm trying to pull this bloody arrow out of my achilles. Fueled by caffeine and NCAA tournament adreneline, I hit the tread mill hard today for some speed work. Boy I was speedy, feeling all indestructable and buff and Brad Pittish. Tonight, I'm showing about as much mobility as a Greek statue. I get up from my chair and it feels as if someone shot me in the achilles. It's not the first time, it happens when I get too enthusiastic about my workouts. My miracle cure is a couple of advil and a mug of "two-buck chuck." I'm sure it will all be fine in the morning.
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