I blowed up real good
I knew this would happen somewhere along the line. I set out to run 22 miles today, I fried out at 18. I'm not overly disappointed because I know I made some big strategic errors - LIKE NOT TAKING WATER. Yes, today I was an idiot. I tore myself away the computer after having found an old friend online. I knew I needed to get a long run in today so I just forced myself out the door. Around mile four my mouth was getting a little dry and I realized this might not have been a good idea. It also probably wasn't a good idea to eat that cheeseburger Sunday, because going up the major training hill, I felt like doing some major training vomiting (I resisted the urge, again, no water to wash my mouth out afterward). Around mile 14 a man was taking his garbage out. For a moment I pondered asking him, "Can you spare a runner a drink?" But I didn't, figuring it was too late anyway. Around mile 16 I realized I was starting to do my Rocky Balboa 15th round stagger. At 18 I just ground to a halt. The body just said no more. I walked for about two minutes and gave it another try. Five minutes of running and I ground to a halt again. It was that way the rest of the way home, run (very, very slowly), walk, feel like crap, run again. Ah, and I had gone out hoping to think through some great running is like life metaphors. Perhaps if I had remembered my old Boy Scout mantra, Be Prepared, I could have a better blog today.
We've all done it. I bet you won't make that mistake again, so I guess it was a good lesson.
Hey Dave,
I'm wishing you the best of running luck as the big day approaches. I'm training for Big Sur also, but I'm looking just to finish rather than hit any kind of time. I'll bet you're looking good and feeling even better. Pacific Grove is pulling for you big time.
Buck Roggeman (am I supposed to stay anonymous on these things?)
Happens to me once during every training cycle, but for a different reason every time. Last time it was my 18 miler, only made 16 because I ran down that training hill too fast. Last year it was heat and hydration. See you at Big Sur
Dave in Aspen CO
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