Time to refresh
Yep, it has been difficult finding the time and motivation to both run and blog lately. Last week I got to the gym all of once and didn't run at all. There were changes in schedule, attacks of allergies, and that lethargic depression that seems to feed on itself. With all that in mind, as I headed off to the dentist this morning I grabbed my running stuff and threw it in the back of the car. It was the best move I've made in a couple of weeks. The dentist was long and painful (always seems to be), but afterward I had a little time. So I called a friend of mine and she directed me to the Los Gatos rec trail. Now I'll admit I'm a bit of snob, nothing much beats the trails of Pebble Beach, but Los Gatos, well, it was different. And for the first time since the marathon, I felt like running at the same moment I had the opportunity to get out. I ran six or seven miles, it was hot, especially for a coastal wimp like me, and I didn't like the noise of the nearby freeway ... but, it was different and a bit of an adventure, and that was refreshing. I know I need to get out and do different runs, explore new paths (and there are plenty of them here in Monterey County), it's the getting out and doing it that's the hard part. How metaphorical.